By Computer specializes in the selection, setup, training and support of
accounting software. We encourage business success by helping you obtain
the information you need in order to make sound business decisions.
a FAST START - We can save you time and frustration by getting
your company's computer accounting system setup quickly and efficiently.
No false starts. No worry over entering beginning balances. We can help
you determine the best way to get your records up to date and keep them
that way. And, we can save you time when initiating a new system by
using the import feature to quickly enter large lists of customers and
Avoid trial
and error by getting ONE-ON-ONE TRAINING. Classroom training is
sufficient for establishing an overview of software accounting systems.
But, our one-on-one training will show you what you need to know using
your own company's data on your own computer. One-on-one training will
help you get the maximum results in the least amount of time.
We provide
QUALITY SUPPORT to answer your questions. We can provide the
help you need no matter what stage your system is in, whether you are
just starting, need help fixing a mess, or just need a check up. Support
is available at your office, over the phone or via modem. Our response
time is quick so you dont have to wait for answers to your
important questions
Are You Missing?:
Do you ever
wonder if you have missed something? Is there an easier way? Our goal is
to help you SIMPLIFY YOUR BOOKKEEPING. Well show you the
easiest way to get the information you need. There are often several
ways of doing the same thing - find out which one works best for you!